With more and more buyers looking on-line, your initial property presentation is of the utmost importance. Think those dark, blurry, wonky images taken on an iPhone will do?......well think again!
Has your agent taken the time to freshen up your photographs or have they left the same rainy front photo on the website since they started? We've all seen the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room photo, but wait, it's June!
Be as ready as you can be for the Estate Agent when they are arriving to put the house on the market. Clear the kitchen sides, pop the dog bowls and bed away, plump up the cushions, make the beds, cut the lawn, put the wheelie bins in the garage, get some fresh cut flowers, a bowl of fresh fruit for the dining room table or even consider setting the table.
Ask the photographer to take some 'lifestyle' shots. Really show off what you enjoy most about your home and a buyer is more likely to warm to your property if they can see themselves living there before they even arrive.
High quality, crisp, sharp images will attract more interest rather than risk your home going on the 'look at later' pile.